
Everyone chooses something to adore.
Your children, your family. Sometimes it's what you do, sometimes it's even who you are, or maybe, who you SAY you are. But at the end of the day, we are all left with the same desire within us all to truly love something,and have that connection be dynamic, and personal.
We ultimately find a place to attached that adoration to.
It was over four years ago and a good friend-like-a-father, "M" we'll call him, was visiting from our native country of Canada. We were discussing demos and songs to work on for our next venture and not sure as to the future of the rock band, I was allowing myself to explore the quieter, softer side of my songwriting. Being a couple years after I had discovered my estranged father, I had worked through a lot of emotions and come through the other side. In honesty, I didn't really know what was next, for music, OR life.
I still wrote many songs, but the focus was so much more personal than I had ever allowed it to be with the band. I was allowing my faith to take focus in ways that I hadn't let myself before, and as I was deepening my dependence on God, I was turning my prayers into songs.
I remember sitting with M. and recall him asking me, "What are all these songs about, and what is the theme?". I sat, looking at the titles of each, knowing in my heart they had God's finger-prints on them and thinking, "I just adore Him. They are songs that speak of what I am working through, how I desire to be, what I adore, adoration ... "
And the title was born.
Of course, time has a way of ticking along and this album has been now, four years in the making, but when I listen now to the finished work, I am humbled that so many people took the "sonic vision" for what each of these songs were, added their fingerprints, and made them into beautiful works that speak of Adoration.
Over the next few weeks of launch as we work towards the release date I will be sharing a series of "song stories" here on our blog. To educate, inspire and share the journey that this album has been, with you, the reader.
I'd love to hear about your own #adorationproject. What inspires you? What fuels your fire? What are your dreams and desires that you feel you were placed on this earth to achieve? One of mine is sharing my heart and hope through music, and that's essentially what this album is about. So leave your thoughts in the comments, I'd love to hear from you, and let's release this album, and our dreams, together.
Till next blog ~
love a.